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Pastors' and Christian Workers' Retreat

June 3rd-5th

Are you a Pastor, Church worker, on the board, or work full time in the ministry? Do we have a deal for you!!!

This is a FREE retreat just for you and your family. Childcare during services will depend on staffing. This is a time for you to come and refresh alongside fellow servants. Many of the camp activities will be available for your enjoyment. Reserve your spot early; this retreat fills up fast!!! 

Check-in is from 4:00 to 5:30 pm Monday and concludes with a noon meal on Wednesday.

The speaker will be Rob Phillips with music by Collin McMahon.

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Ladies' Retreat

June 21st-22nd

Everyone enjoys these times of fellowship. Come by yourself or bring a group, come for the whole time or just join us on Saturday. You won’t want to miss out on this great time of getting away and reconnecting. Plus, someone else will cook and clean up!


Dormitory housing is included. You will need to bring your own bedding and towels. Cottages and motel rooms are available for an additional fee. They are reserved in the order deposits are received. 


Check-in will be from 4:00 - 5:30 pm Friday and conclude with an evening meal at 4:00 pm on Saturday.


The speaker will be Peg Forrest and CJ Callahan & Sarah Findley will lead worship and music.

Young Adult and Family Get-Away

August 16th-18th

Join us to savor your summer with one last weekend away! Make your weekend as action-packed or laid-back as you would like while enjoying a beautiful setting and all the activities it entails, activities for both you and your children of any age!


Enjoy worship, Bible study times, and fellowship geared toward young families, young couples, and young single adults. Delicious home-cooked meals are included. Invite your friends and make new ones!


The next generation of married couples and single adults are the future of Living Waters and the Church. We hope to encourage and engage young adults while enjoying God’s creation and the fellowship of His people.

Check-in is Friday at 3:00pm Check-out is 2:00pm on Sunday

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Labor Day Weekend

August 30th - Sept 2nd

Come join us for our biggest retreat of the year! Enjoy great Bible teaching and music with a concert Friday evening and Sunday afternoon. Have fun with all of the great activities camp has to offer. Bring your RV or Camper, rent a cottage, or motel room. There is fun for the whole family!


This weekend is also our largest fundraiser for the year. All proceeds from the weekend go toward helping to end the camp year debt free.The Annual Living Waters Auction will be on Saturday, complete with live auctioneer.

If you would like to contribute new, homemade, or baked items, or themed baskets, contact the office at 207-448-2310.


Check-in is on Friday from 4:00 - 5:30pm and the weekend concludes on Monday after the 11:30am meal.


The speaker will be Dr. Wendell Calder with the music TBA.

CLEO Retreat

September 6th - 8th

Christian Law Enforcement Officers

This weekend retreat is open to anyone in Law Enforcement in any capacity and their families. 


Check-in is at 5:00 PM on Friday and the weekend concludes with the noon meal on Sunday.

Please follow the link below to register for this retreat. 

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Men's Retreat

September 27th - 28th

We are bringing back our men’s retreat! We are looking forward to a multi-generational time where grandfathers can pour into sons and grandsons, where we can teach the next generation of men how to be Godly manly men. There will not be activities for young children, so if you feel your son or grandson is old enough to join in with the rest of the men, they are invited to join. 


Titus 2:6-8

6 Similarly, encourage the young men to be self-controlled.

7 In everything set them an example by doing what is good. In your teaching show integrity, seriousness

8 and soundness of speech that cannot be condemned, so that those who oppose you may be ashamed because they have nothing bad to say about us.


Dormitory housing is included. You will need to bring your own bedding and towels. Cottages and motel rooms are available for an additional fee. They are reserved in the order deposits are received. 


Check-in will be from 4:00 - 5:30 pm Friday and conclude after the 1:30 pm session on Saturday.

Fall Foliage

October 11th - 14th

Be sure to bring your family and enjoy the beautiful colors on your drive to Living Waters for our last weekend of the season. Once again, we will be celebrating Columbus Day and Canadian Thanksgiving. On Sunday, we serve a traditional Thanksgiving Dinner with all the fixin’s. So, if you can only make it to part of the weekend, make sure you reserve your place for the BIG Thanksgiving meal on Sunday at 6:00pm. Best of all, Canadian money will be taken at par and all sites in the RV park will be free for this weekend.


Check-in is 4:00 - 5:30pm on Friday and the weekend concludes with an 11:30am meal on Monday.


The speaker will be Adam Ganong. Music: Alumni Worship Experience. 

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  • Is this an overnight camp?
    Yes! We also have day camp options.
  • How do I register my child for camp?
    You can register here.
  • How much does overnight camp cost?
    Camp is $360 and runs from Sunday through Friday. For more camp pricing, see price sheet below.
  • What time is check-in?
    Check-in for Summer Camp is Sunday from 3-5 PM. Please look for the sign on the TAB.
  • What time is check-out?
    Check-out is on Friday from 4-5 PM. Please contact the office if your child will be picked up by someone other than yourself, or at an earlier time.
  • Where do I pick up my child at check-out?
    You will pick up your child at the closing service in the TAB.
  • What if my child has food allergies?
    There is a section in the registration process where you can indicate food and other allergies. That information will be given to the Kitchen Director and the Camp Nurse. Please confirm this information with our Health Center staff and registration staff at check-in.
  • Can my child bring their medication?
    Yes. Please fill out the medical form during registration and update before camp if any new medications have been added. Please have all medication ready to give the Health Center Staff at check-in. Please do not pack in your child's suitcase. It must be in the original bottle with only the amount needed for their stay at Living Waters. All inhalers, nasal sprays, and EPI pens must be in the prescription box with label and must NOT be expired. All prescription bottles should come in a Ziploc bag with child’s name and camp date on it. Please do not bring over-the-counter medication. Designated medical professionals are available at the Health Center to dispense OTC medication as needed. No vitamins or herbs will be accepted without a doctor’s note.
  • Will my child and their friend be together at camp?
    During the registration process, you will see a spot for Roommate Request. Please fill that out so we know who wants to bunk together. Campers can also meet up with their friends for free time activities.
  • What should my child bring with them to camp?
    Here is a complete “What to Bring” list, but some of the common items include: Bible, modest and casual clothes, water shoes, flashlight, sleeping bag or twin bedding, towels, and toiletries.
  • What should they leave at home?
    Please leave all electronics at home, including cell phones. No knives, firearms, fireworks, tobacco, drugs, or alcohol.
  • How can I communicate with my child while they are at camp?
    You may send emails to your camper at Please put the camper’s full name in the subject line. These emails will be printed and distributed once a day. Campers may also receive mail at PO Box 250, Danforth, ME 04424. Please keep in mind how long it takes for mail to arrive before sending something in the mail.
  • What if my child becomes homesick?
    You will be notified and kept up-to-date if your child is more than just a little homesick, but we highly recommend that parents allow our staff to handle it. Our counselors and staff are trained and equipped to help campers overcome homesickness. We strive to provide campers with a safe space to work through their hesitations and fears of being away from home, and fully believe that working through those difficulties can be impactful in a positive way.
  • Will my child need extra money while at camp?
    There is a Snack Shack and Camp Store at Living Waters. Parents/guardians determine the amount of money to put in the camper bank. $25-$50 is the recommended amount.
  • What if my child left something at camp?
    Please contact the office within 30 days after your child’s week of camp and we will check our lost and found items. Lost and found items are returned at your cost. It will be mailed out after we receive payment for the postage. Unclaimed items are considered a donation to the camp and will be sold at the Labor Day yard sale.
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