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Come with us out into the glorious Creation, to learn more about the Wilderness and God's word! Since 1988, Living Waters has offered individuals and groups the opportunity to participate in quality and affordable wilderness canoe trips and adventure-based programming in Maine and Canada. 

All of our trips are led by qualified and experienced Registered Maine Guides and or Certified Wilderness Trip Leaders with a respect for the outdoors, a strong emphasis on safety, and a love for the Lord. Come join us out in the wild this summer!

Our Purpose is to provide a safe tripping experience in a Christ-centered atmosphere and to impart outdoor living skills while sharing the Gospel message through Bible study and positive role modeling. Living Waters is ready to assist you with a meaningful outdoor experience safely and professionally. 

Living Waters Wilderness Adventures continues to grow, and we are excited to offer some brand-new trips as well as offering many classics.

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JULY 27-Aug 1
Ages: 10-13
Cost: $445.00 PER PERSON

Junior Survivor is an excellent trip for first-timer campers who want to explore God's creation in the wild. With the combined aspects of river travel, skill-building, and friendly tribal competitions, it’s a week of nonstop wilderness fun! We begin our trip at the Wilderness Center and then head to the Maine woods for the rest of the week! ​The trip continues full of adventure and the possibility of sighting moose, deer, and eagles! Every evening, the Bible comes alive with devotions around the campfire.



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AUGUST 10-15
Ages: 14-17
Cost: $550.00 PER PERSON

During this week of high octane adventure challenges designed specifically to test wilderness skills will be presented to individuals and their teams. After these challenges have been completed, all campers will take part in a day of white-water rafting. If you’re looking for an unforgettable experience in the heart of Maine’s wilderness, sign up today!





Check out our recommendations for personal gear to make sure your wilderness explorer has everything they need for their next great adventure! 



For your youth group, church group, or organization, this is a great way to bring your group together for a team building experience. Bring your teens into a quiet wilderness setting, away from the distractions of technology, to focus on God’s Word. A long weekend trip in God’s creation includes four days and three nights of canoeing, camping, and fellowship on the St. Croix River. You will practice white-water canoe handling, camping skills, as well as having evening devotions and morning quiet times in God’s word for you and your teens. You will be built up and encouraged alongside other adults and their teenagers. This is a great ministry activity and we can adjust it to length, experience level, and dates that fit your needs.

We will also provide the necessary materials for the spiritual and team building activities, or you can provide your own activities and materials. Contact us at 207-448-2310 or to discuss details for a trip ranging from one to several days.

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PSALMS 19: 1-4

1. The heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of his hands. 2. Day after day they pour forth speech; night after night they reveal knowledge. 3. They have no speech, they use no words; no sound is heard from them. 4. Yet their voice goes out into all the earth, their words to the ends of the world.

"A kid won't remember their best day of watching TV, but will remember a great day at camp".

Wilderness Adventure Program (Our Mission):

  1. So that your trust may be in the LORD, I teach you today, even you. - Proverbs 22:19

  2. But let justice roll on like a river, righteousness like a never-failing stream! - Amos 5:24

Our purpose is to provide a safe trip experience in a Christ centered atmosphere, and to impart outdoor living skills while sharing the Gospel message through Bible study and positive role modeling. Living Waters is ready to assist you with a meaningful outdoor experience in a safe and professional manner. All trips are led by experienced Registered Maine Guides and/or Certified Wilderness Trip Leaders.

William Cliff , Wilderness Program Director (with wife, Christine)

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